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Alt + d ( Cmd + d )


Display slideImage: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40 delta: 3@-4

Display wipeImage: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40 delta: 0@-2

Display zoomInTo: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40.

Display zoomOutTo: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40.

Display zoomInTo: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40

Display zoomOutTo: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40

Display fadeImageVert: (Form fromDisplay: (10@10 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 10@10

Display fadeImageSquares: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40

Display fadeImageHorFine: (Form fromDisplay: (10@10 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 10@10

Display fadeImageHor: (Form fromDisplay: (10@10 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 10@10

Display fadeImageFine: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40

Display fadeImageCoarse: (Form fromDisplay: (40@40 extent: 300@300)) reverse at: 40@40

1 to: 4 do: [:corner | Display pageImage:
				(Form fromDisplay: (10@10 extent: 200@300)) reverse
			at: 10@10 corner: corner]


1 to: 4 do: [:corner | Display pageWarp:
				(Form fromDisplay: (10@10 extent: 200@300)) reverse
			at: 10@10 forward: false]



| f cg |
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[f _ Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 50@50).
	cg _ f cgForPixelValue: (Color black pixelValueForDepth: f depth) orNot: false.
	f displayAt: 0@0.
	Display fill: (cg extent: 2@2) fillColor: Color red].
	ScheduledControllers restore


 | f f2 f3 | f _ Form fromUser. f2 _ Form fromDisplay: (0@0 extent: f extent). f3 _ f2 deepCopy.
0.0 to: 1.0 by: 1.0/32 do:
	[:t | f3 _ f2 deepCopy. f3 copyBits: f at: 0@0 translucent: t.
	f3 displayAt: 0@0. (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait].


((Form extent: 100@100 depth: Display depth)
	fillFromXColorBlock: [:x | Color r: x g: 0.0 b: 0.5]) display


 | d |
((Form extent: 100@20 depth: Display depth)
	[:x :y | d _ 1.0 - (x - 0.5) abs - (y - 0.5) abs.
	Color r: d g: 0 b: 1.0-d]) display


((Form extent: 100@100 depth: Display depth)
	fillFromYColorBlock: [:y | Color r: y g: 0.0 b: 0.5]) display


[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[((Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 130@66))
			flipBy: #vertical centerAt: 0@0) display]


 | f f2 p |
 [Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[f _ Form fromDisplay: ((p _ Sensor cursorPoint) extent: 31@41).
	Display fillBlack: (p extent: 31@41).
	f2 _ f flipBy: #vertical centerAt: 0@0.
	(f2 flipBy: #vertical centerAt: 0@0) displayAt: p]


| f cp | f _ Form fromDisplay: (Rectangle originFromUser: 100@100).
Display restoreAfter: [Sensor waitNoButton.
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[cp _ Sensor cursorPoint.
	(f magnify: f boundingBox by: (cp x asFloat@cp y asFloat)/f extent) display]]


 | f f2 p | [Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[f _ Form fromDisplay: ((p _ Sensor cursorPoint) extent: 31@41).
	Display fillBlack: (p extent: 31@41).
	f2 _ f magnify: f boundingBox by: 5@3.
	(f2 shrink: f2 boundingBox by: 5@3) displayAt: p]


[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
       [(Display magnify: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 131@81) by: 0.5 smoothing: 2) display]


| f cp | f _ Form fromDisplay: (Rectangle originFromUser: 100@100).
Display restoreAfter: [Sensor waitNoButton.
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
       [cp _ Sensor cursorPoint.
        (f magnify: f boundingBox by: (cp x asFloat@cp y asFloat)/f extent smoothing: 2) display]]


 | f f2 f3 | f _ Form fromUser. f replaceColor: f preferredColor withColor: Color transparent.
f2 _ Form fromDisplay: (0@0 extent: f extent). f3 _ f2 deepCopy.
0.0 to: 1.0 by: 1.0/32 do:
	[:t | f3 _ f2 deepCopy. f3 paintBits: f at: 0@0 translucent: t.
	f3 displayAt: 0@0. (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait].


 | f diff | f _ Form fromUser.
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[diff _ f pixelCompare: f boundingBox
		with: Display at: Sensor cursorPoint.
	diff printString , '        ' displayAt: 0@0]


 | a f |  f _ Form fromDisplay: (0@0 extent: 200@200).  a _ 0.
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[((Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 130@66))
		rotateBy: (a _ a+5)) display].
f display


[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[((Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 130@66))
		rotateBy: #left centerAt: 0@0) display]


 | f f2 p | [Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[f _ Form fromDisplay: ((p _ Sensor cursorPoint) extent: 31@41).
	Display fillBlack: (p extent: 31@41).
	f2 _ f rotateBy: #left centerAt: 0@0.
	(f2 rotateBy: #right centerAt: 0@0) displayAt: p]


 | a f |  f _ Form fromDisplay: (0@0 extent: 200@200).  a _ 0.
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[((Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 130@66))
		rotateBy: (a _ a+5) magnify: 0.75 smoothing: 2) display].
f display


 | a f |  f _ Form fromDisplay: (0@0 extent: 200@200).  a _ 0.
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[((Form fromDisplay: (Sensor cursorPoint extent: 130@66))
		rotateBy: (a _ a+5) smoothing: 2) display].
f display


 | r tallies nonZero |
Cursor blank showWhile: [
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[r _ Sensor cursorPoint extent: 10@10.
	Display border: (r expandBy: 2) width: 2 rule: Form reverse fillColor: nil.
	tallies _ (Display copy: r) tallyPixelValues.
	nonZero _ (1 to: tallies size) select: [:i | (tallies at: i) > 0]
			thenCollect: [:i | (tallies at: i) -> (i-1)].
	nonZero printString , '          ' displayAt: 0@0.
	Display border: (r expandBy: 2) width: 2 rule: Form reverse fillColor: nil]]


| r tallies nonZero |
Cursor blank showWhile: [
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
	[r _ Sensor cursorPoint extent: 10@10.
	Display border: (r expandBy: 2) width: 2 rule: Form reverse fillColor: nil.
	tallies _ (Display copy: r) tallyPixelValues.
	nonZero _ (1 to: tallies size) select: [:i | (tallies at: i) > 0]
			thenCollect: [:i | (tallies at: i) -> (i-1)].
	nonZero printString , '          ' displayAt: 0@0.
	Display border: (r expandBy: 2) width: 2 rule: Form reverse fillColor: nil]]


下の入力ボックスに書き込んで”add to the page”ボタンで登録出来ます。

Thursday, 29 September 2005, 2:49:51 pm
| r tallies nonZero |
Cursor blank showWhile: [
[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse:
[r _ Sensor cursorPoint extent: 10@10.
Display border: (r expandBy: 2) width: 2 rule: Form reverse fillColor: nil.
tallies _ (Display copy: r) tallyPixelValues.
nonZero _ (1 to: tallies size) select: [:i | (tallies at: i) > 0]
thenCollect: [:i | (tallies at: i) -> (i-1)].
nonZero printString , ' ' displayAt: 0@0.
Display border: (r expandBy: 2) width: 2 rule: Form reverse fillColor: nil]]

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